Hello Capricorns! (People born December 22 – January 20).
I thought I would wish you all a Happy Birthday and discuss one of the special dogs chosen for you in AstroPups, available on Amazon Books. I have fully explained the book in another category. The paperback version is recommended. For a browse, check out the Kindle version.
Of course, Capricorns, a lot of you are not likely to take our word for it that this dog is a very good suggestion for you. You prefer to do your own research, but most of you love an aristocrat.
German Shorthaired Pointer
Colors: Liver or ticked. Height: 21″ – 25″. Weight: 50lbs. – 70lbs.
German Pointers are the result of years of careful, selective breeding by German breeders to produce this fine, versatile dog. The dog has a powerful, well-balanced body, is capable of great endurance, is intelligent and trains well in obedience.

Although it is believed that German Shorthairs were first bred in the 1700’s from Spanish Pointers, the English Pointer and Foxhounds, the breed was not introduced to breeders in the U.S. until 1920. In a short time, the dog was recognized for being easy to train to the hunt. German Shorthairs can work with pheasant, quail, waterfowl, coons, possum and deer.
For people who do not hunt, this dog is amazing as a pet. It’s clean, has a mild disposition, is protective of loved ones, is affectionate and even good with children. German Shorthairs make good guide dogs for the blind and good therapy dogs, also.
It’s gratifying to show this dog and you will swell with pride if you enter your dog at obedience trials. Grooming is an easy chore. A good bristle brush is all you need. For Show, a chamois rub is a good idea to help the dog’s coat shine.
You will not have a chance to be a couch potato if you own a German Shorthaired Pointer. In fact, lack of exercise makes this one restless. The dog is tireless on walks and hikes and loves the outdoors. This is why the country or the suburbs is a better home for this breed.
Owners tell me, with pride, that the German Shorthaired Pointer is the best dog in the whole world – a paragon of virtue! Right, Capricorns would have to prove this for themselves so if you are in the market for a pup, check this breed out.
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A very happy 2017 to you all! 🙂