I am recovering from spinal surgery when I had a fusion. Sorry f0r the lack of posts recently, but I’ve been busy getting back to normal.
Normal is a word everyone uses, but sometimes people find it hard to get their life back to what is normal for them. There can be many reasons for their inability to cope, physical, emotional, or social. They need some help to get up, deal with their day and walk out of the door. For some, it becomes a safer world if a trusted friend, like a therapy dog, is always with them. For many, a therapy dog will not only be the trusted friend needed, but a source of courage enabling a person to walk out into the world.
Dog people – I am definitely one of them – need a dog in their lives to complete it. A house feels empty without the enthusiastic welcome your dog gives you when you turn the key in the lock. For some people, though, the dog is by their side 24/7. They do not venture out of their home without their dogs. Therapy dogs, can help with depression, isolation, aggression and paralyzing fear. It is also helpful in less severe but still disabling things like reading A library in North Carolina allows children who have problems reading to read aloud to a therapy dog

For most of us, a dog is a companion. For some it is a lifeline
I did not realize that I missed the dogs when I was in hospital and then a rehab hospital. I was lucky enough to be sent to Marion Joy, supportive of patients needs I was told my dogs could visit. I was in a wheelchair at that time and thought it would be nice to see them, but was fragile enough not to be enthusiastic about much. Dogs were not allowed in patients’ rooms, but were brought to the downstairs lobby. From there the patients could go outside if able, and share some outside time.
When I received a phone call that Sally was downstairs, I smiled and left the bed to get into the wheelchair, totally unaware what my reaction would be when I saw the little dog. One of my support people wheeled me down the long corridor to the elevator, informing the nurses at their station that I was leaving the floor and why. The elevator doors opened at the lobby and there, on the back of the couch was Sally. I called her name, tears filling my eyes. Sally gave a short bark and leapt into my lap, licking my face enthusiastically. I cried a river. All the emotions I had hidden before surgery, post surgery and the painful rehab surfaced. I hugged that little dog, burying my face in her fur. My daughter, Nikki, had tears in her eyes as did my friend Loraine who watched the encounter. It was the first time I had cried since I got the bad news I needed a fusion.
From that day on I was interested in therapy dogs. Sally allowed me to feel and react. I just didn’t realize I needed to do that. Now it is four months since my surgery. I am back behind the wheel driving and have completed PT. Sure it is going to take months to get back my strength, but I get better every day. Sally stays at home with Jake, but she was definitely my little therapy dog.
When I started to research therapy dogs, I found the subject to be very well addressed. Pet Partners is interesting. The dog handlers are volunteers and the dogs are all sorts of breeds. If you think you would like to volunteer yourself and your dog, check out Pet Partners and the many more that would welcome you with open arms. All the dog has to be is trained in the basics and to like people.
The Alliance of Therapy Dogs is a good source for information for a facility that would welcome a visit from therapy dogs to help lower their patients blood pressure and put a grin on their faces.
Of course, if you are considering getting a therapy dog, you may find a dog suggested for your zodiac personality a bonus. You can check out these dogs in AstroPups, available at Amazon Books.
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