Hello Everyone:
Sorry for not posting for a while. Unfortunately I was ill for three months. Then we lost our lovely Boxer, Sammi, which was unbearably sad. She died in her sleep in the beginning of November. Sammi was eleven – a long life for a Boxer, but we are all struggling to get over the loss of her. For my return readers, you all know Sammi pretty well.
Here she is with Sally, our Bichon Frise/Italian Greyhound mix. Sally misses her a lot and is still checking out the front door in case Sammi will suddenly appear, her whole body wagging at the sight of her best little friend.
Jake, our pit bull mix, definitely went into a depression when Sammi left us. Our good friend Loraine owned Sammi, but the dog came to us for doggy care on a regular basis. Jake bounded downstairs when Loraine and Sammi arrived, barking happily and wagging his tail. When Loraine arrived alone, he tore downstairs initially, but now seems to understand that Sammi is not coming with her.
Dogs losing their friends as Sally and Jake lost Sammi brings a tear to the eyes. How can you explain to them what has happened, why Sammi no longer comes to play, to cuddle and to go for walks with them. Goodness, can Christmas be ruined because a certain stocking is not hung by the chimney with care? Certainly it puts a dent in what was a fun activity last year.
The dogs still with us had bulging stockings this year – couldn’t make up for the one not filled, though.
Sammi had a brown stuffed dog which squeaked at our house. Sally carried it about. Jake did not destroy it as he does with his own toys, but kept leaving it in the hall by the front door. Sally left it on the bed. I hugged them more than usual, but I can’t make up for their lost friend. I wished I could see the owner of that brown stuffed dog which squeaked, too.

Yes, the good part is that a stiff, aging Boxer died peacefully. She was having trouble sitting down and getting up. Stairs were becoming a problem, I am grateful she is no longer struggling or hurting, but I so miss Sammi Freckles. She is an ache in my heart, even as I smile remembering how very special she was.

Sammi, cover girl, chosen for AstroPups.
I am dedicating this post to our Samantha, so loved, and so very missed by us all. Thanks for sharing with me – see you soon 🙂
Thanks Lucille. Lovely tribute to Sammi. It made me cry, but that has happened a lot since she left us.